Friday, February 4, 2011

How much should a Wedding DJ Cost?

Probably more than you'd like to pay. Why? This is YOUR day! You should expect more professionalism than the status quo, than what's been set out there as acceptable. Here are some things you really should be considering, instead of "just the cost!"

Is your performer in it just for the money, or is he/she in it because they truly care about the outcome of your event? Some DJ's barely charge enough to break even on the cost of labor, supplies and equipment. But the love of the job makes it worth while.

Bride & Grooms spend thousands of dollars between the reception hall and catering alone. They'll spend about a thousand on a photographer. Engagement photos, the photos at the ceremony, photos after the ceremony and then that photographer will only stay about an hour after dinner to get the "first dances" pictures. They'll even spend $350 on a vegi tray! But, honesty ask yourself this; what are the two main things you remember about a reception? The catering and the entertainment. How was the veil? Smothered chicken? Beef tips? On the other hand, when it comes to hiring a professional DJ, they don't think it's worth spending anything over $300-400. Isn't the success of your night, worth more than a vegi platter?

Here are some things to think about. Does the DJ you're considering rely on Expertise or Ego? Do they deserve your trust? Have solid MC skills? Know how to use their equipment properly? Have professional equipment for that matter? Understand the pacing and timing of the reception? Have the personality that reflects what you're trying to achieve for your reception? Care about your wedding? Are they honored to be apart of your big day, or is it just another pay check to them?

Professionalism is defined as competence and skill. The professional understands and cares that your day is special and will use his competence and skills to help make your day enjoyable and memorable. For the stereotypical DJ's, the common perception is that they treat weddings as just another "gig" on the calendar.

So, how much should your Wedding DJ cost? There's no exact science to give you that answer. A lot of factors should be considered; like your visions, needs, wants and even budget. Here's a guideline to what you should expect to pay for... How important is the success of your reception to you and your fiance? Do you want classy intros, someone who entertains instead of interrupts? A system that won't look tacky in photos and great music & dancing at the reception? Someone to give you advice and guide you on a timeline for toasts, cutting the cake and first dances? Someone you can trust? That will give you peace of mind that everything will go smoothly and positively impact the success of your wedding reception?

If you've said yes to any of these questions, you want to hire the best, most Professional DJ you can afford. What do good DJ's charge? I'm sure you'll find cheaper DJ's than what I charge (for I've lost many potential clients to lower cost DJ's), but if you want a really great DJ, expect to pay more than some of the estimates you'll receive from other companies.

I hope this helps in your search for quality entertainment!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Here we go again!!!

My first dance of 2011, and it starts off friggin' awesome! What a great place to start the year, than with my favorite school. Thanks to all the students that showed up for this dance. Thanks to facebook, the teachers and students passing the word on. We had a lot better attendance than the last after-game dance. I bought some new black lights, new LED lights, 500 glow sticks, fog and strobes to make this show stand out! And starting this year, I'm attempting to do Video Logs for viewing as well. Check out my first video of the year, well... ever for that matter! (And yes, I know the sound quality sucks!) Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking back on 2010...

2010 was "THE BEST" year for me and this business. I rounded out the year with just over 30 events. There were about 6 I did not document, per client's request or I just did not have the camera with me that evening. It's amazing what social media, word of mouth and friendships can do for a business. I owe many thanks to many people, and what better way to say it than on my blog, on facebook and or in person... Since I've already made my post on facebook thanking every single client and personally thanking many in person, next is to thank you on here. I can't thank you enough for helping me grow my business like it has this past year.

I'll go down my list of events, then name off a few others... Adam & Rachel Briggs, Matt & Samantha Schwartz, Andy & Brenda Coleman, Genesee School District, University of Michigan Flint, Girl Scouts of America, Quentin & Kesha Barrett, Candace & Adam Horton, Matt & Melina Gutzeit, Tavern on the Green & Lori Etue, Sloan Museum, Dianne Hamm, Earl & Angela Little, Mark & Mandy Kelly, Jon & Jessica Brown, John & Kelly Kupiec, Joe & Adrienne Soyring Jr and Emily & Derek DeWitt... Now, on top of those, I'd also like to thank some of my best friends for helping me succeed, numerous referrals, and for just flat out believing in me... Crystal & Don Matteson, the Kettlers, Brian Nuzkowski, Drew Gentry (who designed my logo), Brian Proffer, Sasha Aistrop, Carey King, The Slattery's, McKeevers and obviously my Beautiful Wife for all her support.

If I've forgotten anyone (which I'm sure I have), please accept my deepest apologies as its hard to remember each and every one of you!

2011 is already starting out great, with 8 confirmed gigs and about 5 more possibilities, it's looking to be the start of a great year. Please keep following me and reading my blog, as this is a great tool to see my work, post comments, leave your feedback, tell other people who might be looking for experienced, quality, affordable DJ entertainment for their next event!

Please keep in touch on facebook as well ( and have a great year!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emily & Derek Tie the Knot (October 16, 2010)

As you can see from below, this crowd likes to GET DOWN! With a great variety of music, drinks, friends and family and a party crowd, you get a reception like the Dewitt's had! What a blast. Thank you Emily & Derek. Awesome Awesome Awesome reception!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween Party at Kupiec's Farm (October 12, 2010)

...boot scoot n' boogie and gettin' down on the farm! Another great party at the Kupiec's farm for their Halloween gathering. Haunted hay rides, games, meet n' greet, taco bar and great times!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Joe & Adrienne Tie the Knot (September 2, 2010)

What a beautiful wedding reception... (More pictures on facebook), but wow... They did a great job on all the center pieces, decorating, just amazing... A lot of fun at this reception. I don't think theres a thing I would have done differently about this reception. This was the type of reception most brides dream of and was I glad to be apart of it. Joe and Adrienne, you guys are great. Your reception was incredibly awesome. Thank you again and congratulations! Keep in touch. Take a look... (and no, the 2nd pic down, they were not fighting... That was a part of the choreograph to Ice Ice Baby! ha ha)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kupiec for Congress 2010!

It was nothing more but a complete honor to be apart of John Kupiec for Congress 2010. MIProDJ was apart of his campaign from passing out informational packets at numerous parades to being invited to play at a Meet & Greet and pig roast at his home farm in Grand Blanc to the election night festivities. It was a long run for Mr. Kupiec and here are some pictures along the way... (In the pics... Myself, my beautiful wife Sherry and our son Devon)